I have four more acts of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar to read before I retire. This means that I have just poured myself a cup of the coffee that Alicia prepared. I also stirred in three tablespoons of Nesquik. (Product placement.) (Not really because it's not that good in coffee, and I wish I could just make hot chocolate.)
I experimented with several fratmusic.com playlists to get me through the first act, but I am pretty sure that my soundtrack to the remaining four (which low key seem kind of long) is just gonna be Weezy's new jam "With You" on repeat. November is the most romantic month because I was born on the third day of it and because every time I have a birthday I get a new boyfriend. The sole exception being my fourteenth birthday, upon which George W. was elected president for a second term and I was too depressed to find a new boyfriend. Man oh manischewitz, was that a bad birthday.
Anyway! The correlation between "romantic months" and "With You" is that the latter is the most romantic song I have ever heard in my life. The fourth time I heard it (which consecutively followed the third, second, and first), I openly wept at this very kitchen table. That being said, it was sort of an emotional weekend at
...well, I was going to tell you the name of my street, but being that a South Berkeley rapper has been calling several times a week and texting aggressive things like "wow what is your deal stay grinding" in response to my non-response, I cannot publish this type of information on the internet. The name of my street is a very beautiful approximation of a greeting in another language, though. I love saying it.
Elaine comes to visit Friday!