Thursday, August 18, 2011


Hello, blogosphere. This is the impish missing guest blogger ya’ll read about in the August 16th entry. I’m here to redeem myself in the ever-vigilant eyes of the World Wide Web. I know you think I’m lazy. I know you think I’m a good-for-nothing, a flop! Well, blogheads, you are dead wrong.

Nearly two weeks ago, I moved into the apartment I’ll be sleeping in for the next year. It’s on the third floor, and it’s apartment J. I know you’re probably thinking “But Imp! This is supposed to be the K blog! Why are you talking about J? Are you a good-for-nothing?” Well, blogbrains, you can cool it, as this’ll all come full-circle.

A few nights ago, I was eating an apple outside my apartment when I noticed the unmistakable sonority of drunk people walking up steps in late August. As I have an uncanny adoration for drunk people, I hoped they were headed my way. Lucky for me, and lucky for you, blogbangers, they were.

There were three of them, two dudes and one chick. She was wearing a dark purple cast on her right forearm. The four of us stood there talking for what seemed like fifteen minutes. Our conversation ranged across many subjects, including our places of origin, our intended majors, and the steep cover charge at Kilroy’s on Kirkwood. One of the dudes was a member of the Indiana University Water Polo Team. We spoke of our mutual affection for the sport.

As you may have guessed, blogworms, the three drunken individuals turned out to be the residents of apartment K. I heard one of them talking on a cell phone about an hour ago.

It’s good to know people, and it’s good to know your neighbors. Our society grossly undermines the potential joy in saying “hi” to somebody. Since that night, I’ve had several brief run-ins with the residents of apartment K, and it’s been nice. I doubt they remember our first encounter in its entirety, but that’s ok.

Bob Dylan once said “I’ll let you be in my dream if I can be in yours.” I like that.

Interpersonal communication can feel good in nearly any of its mediums. Even blogging. Ya blogdorks.


  1. Guest blogger Imp needs a blog of his own. WELL DONE!

    Comment specific to the blog entry itself:
    I'm not good about knowing neighbors and I've always felt bad about that.

  2. Impressive! I appreciate Bob Dylan quote and your adoration of drunk people.

  3. I really like how you addressed us in so many cute blog ways.

    Good work, GUEST BLOGGER!

  4. The photo. Who the heck is that?

  5. @Mom At GuestBlogger's request, it is a picture of our friend Will snatched from facebook. I generally tell people when they're being featured on the blog, but at GuestBlogger's second request, I have not done so now.

    @mm and KC- GuestBlogger sends his gratitude by way of me.
