Saturday, April 9, 2011

Being Alone

I get the sense that I enjoy it more than many people. That being said, my own company is reliably tumultuous.


  1. I enjoy being alone more and more as I get older; however, I also have very high inclusion needs.

    Great pic.

    Are you ever alone in Berkeley? It seems like you have a lot of roommates. What is the living situation, exactly?

  2. I love that picture. Have you been to a Giants game?

  3. I've always liked being alone too. In fact, driving alone to pick up our take out last night was quite enjoyable.

    p.s. Jdoc here still waiting for her own computer.

  4. I try to be good company for myself, but sometimes it doesn't work out. But even when I'm being tumultuous, I do love time by myself.
    I seem to love it more as I age. Is this making me lose friends? That's my concern.

    I wish I could be looking at the bay right now. So beautiful here too right now. Magnolias are blooming crazily. Redbuds are sprinkled everywhere.
    Tulips are coming up with the hyacinths.
    So pleasurable.

  5. @KC- I have an apartment with 3 other women, 1 with whom I share a bedroom. Last night they were all out and I actually watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding on ABC. Hmm.

    @Streib- ummmm yes! I think so! But as a child and not since living in the Bay. We were all way into the series though.

    @JDoc- oh, there's no ? that I prefer driving alone; that's one of my favorite "alones".

    @mm/LH I do like this picture, but it makes me feel weird that I'm almost never actually near the water.

  6. Ros, I went to a Giants game with you when you were a youth. I tried to step over a row of seats and ended up flat on my face.

    I've always loved time to myself. I get rejuvinated that way.

  7. J-dubs, were we in California? The Judy PackPack trip? Where are we going this summer? To ice cream at least, I hope!

  8. I hope so too. Yes, it was that trip!
