Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Falling Down on the Proverbial Job

Everybody (my latest gender-neutral group address of choice): I promise to blog tomorrow! I am falling down on the Image Challenge, and for this I apologize. I am tryna write a paper that is due on Tuesday. It is not going well. I am listening to a playlist called "Drunk Girl Anthems" and right now it's playing Dynamite, making me miss Shef.

P.S. GUH! I think Adrien Brody is so cute! I wanna watch Darjeeling Limited, but I can't because I have to write my paper!


  1. Good luck on your paper... they always seem to get done.

  2. I've been having a feeling that I want to have a whole day where I watch all the Wes Anderson movies.

    Should I wait til you get home for that enterprise?

  3. I also love Adrien Brody. I even love him in that terrible Stella commercial. I stop everything I'm doing every time that commercial comes on...

    good luck w/ the paper!

  4. Extension! Paper date extended to Thursday! So much time to watch Adrien Brody!
