Friday, April 1, 2011

Report from Sproul

Happy April Fool's Day, Blogosphere. Typing this post from the Gender Equity Resource Table on Upper Sproul Plaza, I feel a bit like Snoopy working on his novel on top of the doghouse. Or isn't there a Nickelodeon girl who works at a typewriter? With glasses? It's not Ginger. Whatever.

Some of the things happening on Sproul today are the sale of boba by Kappa Gamma Delta, the canvasing of at least 30 Academic Senatorial candidates, and as of 10 seconds ago, a live saxophone performance. I do not anticipate attracting very many Sproulers to the GenEq table (the canvaser across from me has a mattress set up upon which several Golden Bears are sunbathing in swimsuits), but just in case, I have laid out the infosheets on Gender vs. Sex, Transgender Identity, and Dating Violence.

My April Fool's prank is to fool everyone into thinking I am Eliya Lavine by wearing Janice Lavine's skirt as a dress all day. So far, I have fooled everyone. I don't really like April Fool's Day, though, because it makes me feel bummed out.

...Hmmm. Well, being that I just spent the past 15 minutes taking a blogging break and talking to the actual Eliya Lavine in front of everyone, I think my prank may be ruined. Anyway, I have to bring the table in. I need new pictures of Patrick and Adrian. Six weeks til summer.


  1. How the hell did I not make it onto here? I was in my frickin swimsuit all day!

  2. I felt too shy to tag you because I thought you might accuse me of snooping.

  3. I would like some pamphlets please.

  4. is that your arm in the picture?

  5. No no, that's Andy's arm in the picture. I'm the photographer.

  6. #1 Google hit for "typewriter Nickelodeon girl": Indiana Rock on a California Roll.

    6 weeks: Music to my ears.
