Saturday, August 13, 2011


Going for it! Given that my campers have Gracefully Graduated from my 2011 Camp Arrowhead> summer session, I am back in the challenge in a Giant way. Good news is, my illness is Gone.

Even more Good news is, I am now wearing my Green pajama top and listening to the God-Given Savage Love podcast. Goodness. I am a little Guilty aGain and aGain that this blog is not the kind of blog where things like Genitals and DSavage's principle of being a "G.G.G." Girlfriend or boyfriend. But I mean, come on. I just said Goodbye to being a community childcare provider yesterday. And my #1 reader is GoddessMom.


  1. I could watch this 100 more times. There's something about that kid's face that kills me.

    You're done with work!!!! Time to CHILLAX!

  2. I have to agree with him about the bacon.
