Tuesday, August 16, 2011


In the spirit of GoddessMom, I was supposed to have an Ingenious guest blogger for I. I won't Initiate Ire toward this Imp by Identifying him. I will say, however, that his Idea for I was to write about his eye. I think this would have been really funny.

Inspired by my own H post, I did Indeed Invest a few hours In "Pulp Fiction" last night. I had been Inclined to Include said film on my mental list of "movies that are not Roz movies", but I should have heeded others' Insistence that "Pulp Fiction" is an everyone movie. Today Impish Missing Guest Blogger and I saw the above pictured "Pulp Fiction" poster in the mall and made an Ironic little joke that we were probably the only mall Inhabitants who had ever seen It. It was really funny. I think.


  1. Your guest blogger had a great idea for I. Too bad he was MIA. How is his eye by the way?

  2. Guess what? I also haven't seen Pulp Fiction!!

    Too bad about the guest blogger, but I enjoyed this just the same.

  3. Pulp Fiction is a good movie. Travolta is great and Samuel L. Jackson is the bomb!
