Saturday, November 19, 2011

Rogue Post

Ya'll, E is downstairs. I told her I had to change into dry clothes and would be right back down. This is true! But I didn't tell her that I'm going to make a quick blog so I'm not disqualified from the challenge.

Today we took Muni to the close side of Golden Gate Park and walked all the way to the ocean. Needless to say, it was the best day of my life.


  1. Did you walk into the ocean? And then had to change into dry clothes. That makes sense to me.

  2. I think it takes a lot to get disqualified... fine showing.

  3. Walking all the way to the ocean, through GG Park. It doesn't get much better than that. Except maybe coming home on Wednesday morning to a cold wet muddy Bloomington. That's fun too!
