Friday, March 9, 2012

Los Angeles Angels

If I'm being honest, I'm probably not going to watch "The Bachelor: The Womyn Tell All". I mean, maybe. But it doesn't seem like it's going to make my weekend too much better. Excited for the finale though- I've seen spoilers talking up both Lindzi and Courtney, so I might be the only person in America who still really doesn't know! So lucky.


  1. That is lucky. And I applaud your efforts to push the "no post has too tenuous a connection to baseball" rule to its limits!

    We're having a Bachelor finale party at our house and are pretty excited for the finale. I, of course, am here for Ben and will support his choice.

  2. The Womyn Tell All was horrible. As usual. I'm glad we're coming down to the end because I've become obsessed with googling Ben Flajnik's name and reading the latest news and gossip about him. It's gotten really out of control. I'm like a heroin addict with this hideous show.

  3. Omg, our party would be the best if the heff-stern ladies could come. You're totally invited!!

  4. If only! Next time we're in the same state, some kinda Reality's going down.

  5. I blame Obamacare for the Bachelor even being on TV ... or ever mentioned in this blogging challenge.
