Sunday, March 11, 2012

San Francisco Giants

Yesterday I went to SF to eat lunch and see "The Lorax" with my friends in the city. Lucky for me, Janet, Paul and Alice invited me to stay for girl scout cookies, which turned into dinner, Clue, an episode of "Glee" and a sleepover. Did we see a Giant's game? No. It's just not time for that yet, folks.


  1. I bet one of the Giants was in the theater too watching the movie.

    Go GIANTS!

  2. Did you like the movie? I took the boys last week. I thought it was pretty good.

  3. But did you watch the Batch tonite, @dailyros??

  4. I wish they still made Animal Treasures.

  5. U R all so nice for commenting when I've been slacking on my blogosphere public participation. I didn't watch the batch. I never get to watch it until the next day because I have to use hulu, and after discovering the outcome, I just didn't find a time to see it happen. It's not Courtney's fault I didn't watch it; promise.

    @Streib- I really liked it! I speak for the trees, also.
