Friday, September 13, 2013

I really miss blogging.

Maybe I could do it in the mornings? I got some good news this week, which corresponds to the fact that I went nightswimming at Leah's neighborhood pool in The Nut last week and borrowed her beautiful mother's really chill tankini. The good news is, said beautiful mother passed on the tankini to Leah to give to me!

Every parent knows that my own parents are in Israel, so they all want to distract me from my plight (slash, dare I say, nurture and nourish me) by giving me new bathing suits and stuff like that. It's all in all not that bad of a situation, but I do wish the time difference were less extreme.


  1. Tankinis are great.

    I love blogging so much, so I can connect with your feelings on this topic.


  2. ...Looking through and realizing that I ALREADY used this picture of J! How embarrassing!

  3. Well, it's an excellent picture and should probably be used many times.

  4. I also like tankinis. Also, I only wear swimsuits with shorts. Your blog is sublime, so keep writing for my benefit. THANKS!
