Today was so sad that I spent an hour of it (5 p.m. to 6 p.m.) reading Chapter 13 of Family Happiness by Laurie Colwin out loud in an empty conference room in Dwinelle. When I got home, I remembered that Carolyn was having a dinner party and felt extremely sad. All I wanted to do was read Chapter 14 of Family Happiness- a novel about a woman who is systematically oppressed by complications due to a never-ending string of dinner parties- in my bed. And then maybe watch "I Love You Man".
The good news was, the dinner party was totally charming! Carolyn made chicken pesto pasta and garlic bread. Lucky this happened, because now I am totally into dinner parties. The things I will serve at my weekly dinner party during [Bro]quefort Summer 2011 include baked macaroni and cheese, omelettes with only cheese in them, and probably grilled cheese. Also cinnamon french toast ("breakfast for dinner", something that very rarely happens in Laurie Colwin novels). I will be like Clarissa Dalloway meets Janie Crawford meets Happiness protag Polly Solo-Miller. Only, you know. Perkier.
Dinner parties sometimes completely stress me out, but then I'm usually glad I had them.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to start now with dinner parties. Congratulations.
I'm not that into dinner parties.
ReplyDeleteBut I like pre-dinner parties.
I only like dinner parties because of the tiny little appetizers. Usually, I do feel systematically oppressed, because you're not supposed to eat more than two or three of them.