Tuesday, August 30, 2011
S is for Superstitious. I make a point of not being Superstitious, because the idea of Supernatural things occuring- or the idea that destiny is just Stringing us along- freaks me out.
Last night, however, I was forced to Suspect that there are Some Special forces at work in the universe. So conjectured, because I made a 19 song grooveshark playlist to take me thru my last 60 pages of reading and the final Song ended at the Same time as I finished the last page. Such as to say, it was Simultaneous.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Probably, I should admit defeat in the alpha challenge. Especially now that a co-challenger has already reached Z! But like ProntoPup during his Period of Problems, I will Press on.
P is going to be for Gwyneth Paltrow. Is she famous? Is she a good actor? These Pursuits are Puzzling to me. I spend a lot of time Pondering who to believe in the Great Paltrow Debate.
My Parent on my Paternal side (aka my dad) thinks Gwyneth Paltrow is the best ever.
My friend once described Gwyneth as "kind of just there, not really adding much to whatever role she's Playing."
Jezebel.com thinks she's full of it.
I for one watch Shakespeare in Love every time I'm sick, and the Royal Tenenbaums every time I'm not sick.
What do you think about this?
Thursday, August 25, 2011
OMG! Obviously, O is Outrageously Old news when it comes to the blogging challenge. Only the most Obliging group Of Alphabloggers could accept this late entry and not Order that I be Ostracized. I haven't even left any comments on Other Outstanding entries.
Ordinarily, I would be filled with shame. But the thing is, I just Opted to begin my Other life in Berkeley, CA and have been a bit of a jetlagged sack of Organs.
Of course, after a day Occupied by really great classes, I am Out of my Funk (why I am sometimes capitalizing Of and sometimes not capitalizing of? O! The hierarchical Organization of English!). One question of interest posed by a Gender and Women's Studies Prof was as such: If you copy and paste a paragraph Of a paper you've already written into a new Opus, is this plagiarism? Is it still Original?
Her Opinion was pretty clear.
My sOuthern bOrder class played us not One but 2 music videos. One is above, and I don't really get it. The Other is so sad! Luckily, it constitutes the Only time I have cried today.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Moving back in a Mere 2 days! Monday is tomorrow, and My plane will be Mired in clouds the day following. Much happiness Must occur this semester to Merit My departure from My house, but My Musings on the subject suggest that it will. Maybe I will write to you this very week from the Magnificent Caffe Med!
Mostly I am Melancholy at the Moment. I will Miss a lot of people, like My Mom.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Life on this Lovely planet is sometimes not. Last afternoon, Lighthearted from a Laid-back Lunch with my dad, I ask to be Let off at a Local (Lie: it was actually a muLtinationaL) book store to Look for some Light airplane reading.
(I will now stop using the Lilting alphabetical Language, as this blog is a Little bit sad.)
When I was walking up to the door, that thing happened where a person with a physical disability is walking up to the door at around the same time as you. This thing that happens is not a bad thing. If it happens with just me and a person who most likely will have difficulty opening the door, I just ask if that person would like me to hold the door. If yes, great. If no, also great. But this was one of those situations in which there are some other, apparently able-bodied people accompanying the other party. I guess a good rule of thumb in this sitch is to still ask if anyone would like help with the door. This time, I didn't do that. Instead, I tried to use eye contact and body language to figure out if I should hurry through the door and let the other party take their time with entering (Option 1) or hold the door for all three people (Option 2).
This blog entry is taking me a long time to write. I go back to Berkeley in 3 days and for a fifth semester have failed to take advantage of our excellent Disability Studies program. I am doing my best here, but I keep thinking about this article GoddessMom found about the danger of intent. Oh well.
The point is, I my eye contact and body language were not sufficient forms of communication in this particular case. A woman walking with the man with a physical disability stepped in front of me and said, "I'll hold the door, honey."
I smiled. I was quick. I did not think much of it.
"No problem," she said again. "You just get inside as quickly as possible, honey, and I'll hold the door for my husband with the walking stick and the oxygen."
At this point, 'sphere, I thought that I might detect something along the lines of sarcasm.
"Ma'am," I said. "I'm sorry; we had a miscommunication. I was going to hold the door-"
"No, you weren't," she said.
"Okay," I said. Feeling kind of Like a Loser.
24 hours Later, I still feel pretty shitty about this hostile interaction. There are many things I could tell myself, Like that this woman was having a frustrating day, and I was in her Line of vision. Or that this was a Little Lesson: always ask when it's unclear if people with disabilities would like assistance. Or most importantly, that I have Less than 3 days Left, and my attention needs to be on the people I Love and not on someone I don't know who doesn't Like one thing I did. No need to Lament. At least the Royal Tenenbaums is on.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Hello, blogosphere. This is the impish missing guest blogger ya’ll read about in the August 16th entry. I’m here to redeem myself in the ever-vigilant eyes of the World Wide Web. I know you think I’m lazy. I know you think I’m a good-for-nothing, a flop! Well, blogheads, you are dead wrong.
Nearly two weeks ago, I moved into the apartment I’ll be sleeping in for the next year. It’s on the third floor, and it’s apartment J. I know you’re probably thinking “But Imp! This is supposed to be the K blog! Why are you talking about J? Are you a good-for-nothing?” Well, blogbrains, you can cool it, as this’ll all come full-circle.
A few nights ago, I was eating an apple outside my apartment when I noticed the unmistakable sonority of drunk people walking up steps in late August. As I have an uncanny adoration for drunk people, I hoped they were headed my way. Lucky for me, and lucky for you, blogbangers, they were.
There were three of them, two dudes and one chick. She was wearing a dark purple cast on her right forearm. The four of us stood there talking for what seemed like fifteen minutes. Our conversation ranged across many subjects, including our places of origin, our intended majors, and the steep cover charge at Kilroy’s on Kirkwood. One of the dudes was a member of the Indiana University Water Polo Team. We spoke of our mutual affection for the sport.
As you may have guessed, blogworms, the three drunken individuals turned out to be the residents of apartment K. I heard one of them talking on a cell phone about an hour ago.
It’s good to know people, and it’s good to know your neighbors. Our society grossly undermines the potential joy in saying “hi” to somebody. Since that night, I’ve had several brief run-ins with the residents of apartment K, and it’s been nice. I doubt they remember our first encounter in its entirety, but that’s ok.
Bob Dylan once said “I’ll let you be in my dream if I can be in yours.” I like that.
Interpersonal communication can feel good in nearly any of its mediums. Even blogging. Ya blogdorks.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Just so you know, I am about to Jettison myself down to Louisville with my friends Elaine and Claire. Just so you also know, last time we took a road trip I made the best girlie road trip mix CD of all time. It started off with Big Spender.
Just so you know for third, this year I did not make a mix CD. But, I am Just as Jazzed to be going.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
In the spirit of GoddessMom, I was supposed to have an Ingenious guest blogger for I. I won't Initiate Ire toward this Imp by Identifying him. I will say, however, that his Idea for I was to write about his eye. I think this would have been really funny.
Inspired by my own H post, I did Indeed Invest a few hours In "Pulp Fiction" last night. I had been Inclined to Include said film on my mental list of "movies that are not Roz movies", but I should have heeded others' Insistence that "Pulp Fiction" is an everyone movie. Today Impish Missing Guest Blogger and I saw the above pictured "Pulp Fiction" poster in the mall and made an Ironic little joke that we were probably the only mall Inhabitants who had ever seen It. It was really funny. I think.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
"Have you seen ____?" is an inquiry that I never Hesitate to answer in the affirmative, regardless of the affirmative's truth value. Hopefully you'll refrain from Harsh judgment me out on this one- I defend this lack of Honesty with my whole Heart.
Hear me out: there is no reason to tell anyone to whom I am Having a conversation that I "actually Haven't ever seen [Pulp Fiction/ The Godfather/ The Godfather 2/ The Princess Bride/ Annie Hall/ Gone with the Wind/ anything by Hitchcock". That would only force that person to respond with, "Hella what! You HAVEN'T? You HAVE to!" And then everyone would feel bad, especially me. I know stuff that Happens in all of these movies, or at least enough to fake it til I make it. If I've ever told you that I Have seen a movie, chances are, you were probably Hoodwinked.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Going for it! Given that my campers have Gracefully Graduated from my 2011 Camp Arrowhead> summer session, I am back in the challenge in a Giant way. Good news is, my illness is Gone.
Even more Good news is, I am now wearing my Green pajama top and listening to the God-Given Savage Love podcast. Goodness. I am a little Guilty aGain and aGain that this blog is not the kind of blog where things like Genitals and DSavage's principle of being a "G.G.G." Girlfriend or boyfriend. But I mean, come on. I just said Goodbye to being a community childcare provider yesterday. And my #1 reader is GoddessMom.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Finally, I am in bed after a long, Frustrating day. Fortunately For me, I have a supportive Family and a Fairly good boyfriend. By Fairly good, I mean Fantastic. I don't blog that much about my boyfriend because I usually think other people's blogs about their boyfriends are dumb and sound weird. But I mean, come on. I wish you had all seen the Face this guy made when he saw that my mom had Finally purchased the Bee pillow pet For me. So Funny. Killer.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Everyone calm down, as GoddessMom emotes. Exhaustion, Elevated temperature and Even congestion will Eventually Evaporate now that I have been prescribed antibiotics. Even though I don't Ever use the word slut, sometimes I do when I describe myself as "a slut for antibiotics". All this means is, I'll do anything for 'Em. The word slut is Evocative of tons of bad, oppressive stuff. In itself, it's a misogynistic narrative. Well. Even so. I'm Elated that my Efforts have proven Effective.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
Though I do not Correspond with you in Complete Corporal Correctness, I am off to Care for Children after I Consume my Coffee. Candidly, I have a bit of a Cough and my throat feels Charred, as though scorched by a Chemical.
Still, I am usually Charmed by the Children, at least at a few moments during the day. To my Chagrin, I forgot to Create a Construction Paper Collage of Rainbow fish using their Monday Craft results (sandpaper scales), but maybe they'll be so Collectively Compassionate- and Concerned about my Constitution- so as not to press Charges.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
While I wait for my Boyfriend to Bring me a really Bad snack, I will Blog for B. I am listening to Beyonce's Best Thing I Never had. Not just Because of the Bs, I assure you!
I like Beyonce Because she's so positive, even when she's Bothered or when her heart is Broken. Watch her assure the subject of this new hit how much it "sucks to Be you right now!" with a Beautiful smile on her face. When I am Bed ridden with a fever and nasty sore throat, I turn to Beyonce for Buoyancy and strength. I can't wait until Beyonce is my generation's enduring icon. I can't wait for her to sing at the super Bowl. I can't think of anyone who would do it Better.
Actually, I am Absolutely unsure that I am Able to blog through the entire Alphabet. My Accuracy in former blogging challenges has been less than Amazing. Today, however, I am Ailing. I am Absent from my job Aiding the development of pre-Adolescent (As In, five And six year-old) Adventurers, Arranging Activities and Advocating Acquaintanceship.
As of now, I have spent this 2-Day Absence Articulating my displeasure and Aching interior in guttural "Augh" sounds. Also, I Attended a 5-hour America's Next Top Model marathon on Oxygen. Ann won. Ann. Starts with A. Awesome.
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